Wednesday, June 12, 2002

I’m a sports fan. I love baseball, football, college basketball and football, NASCAR, F1, and a few others. Baseball is often criticized as being too slow for modern audiences. I disagree.

Baseball requires every player to be aware on every play. The managers, the base coaches, the umpires; every participant must be on their toes. However, the person who is really in control is the pitcher.

Nothing really happens until the pitcher starts his motion. Signals may be exchanged, the runners may bluff to distract the pitcher. However, the pitcher is truly in control of every play. This attribute is unique in sports.

I like to watch the dynamic between the pitcher and catcher. A great catcher may truly “call the game”. He may control the action in ways that only a true fan can appreciate.

Understanding the nuances of sports, like life, enriches the experience. Try to appreciate something that happens in your life, just for itself, every day. Taste those experiences; appreciate all the opportunities that you’re given.