Friday, November 17, 2006

One of my "check at least daily" sites is The Belmont Club. This post, entitled "The First Iraq," is a must read. It chronicles the history of America's involvement in the Philippines, and its short term parallels to the situation in Iraq and attempts to use guerrilla warfare and propoganda to affect US domestic politics.

Hopefully the long term outcome will be as positive for both Iraq and America as it has been for the Philippines and America.
"The team finds that the Arctic has been warming up, but that there are now some signs that it may be starting to cool down."

Nature just won't cooperate with the naturalists' agenda.

H/T: The Corner on National Review Online
"That means killing the bad guys. Not winning their hearts and minds, placating them or bringing them into the government. Killing them."

This military blog post is well worth reading. It concludes as follows, "Here's one soldier whose morale is not being ground down by the enemy he faces. If it's being eroded, it's by the people who putatively support him."