Saturday, October 16, 2004

Qualities' by David Freddoso

The latest swift boat and POW vets ad shows a very large group of decorated vets who oppose Kerry. The most decorated living vet of all is among them; the one with the big blue ribbon that only Congress can issue. This is his story. HUMAN EVENTS ONLINE: America's Most Highly Decorated Living Veteran Calls Kerry 'a Man of Benedict Arnold Qualities'

Victor Davis Hanson on Election 2004 on National Review Online

One of Victor Davis Hanson's best columns takes a look at the world through sharply focused, clear lensed glasses. Victor Davis Hanson on Election 2004 on National Review Online
This post makes an interesting case that Hillary Clinton had a role in the decline of U.S. vaccine development and manufacturing. Let's Fly Under the Bridge: Hillary Make You Sick?

Those unintended consequences get you every time, especially when you don't understand economics and the rational behavior of businesses (those that want to survive, that is).

Update: The Weekly Standard places blame at the feet of trial lawyers without mentioning Hillary.
Ann Althouse points to an explanation on the guaranteed failure of a policy that calls for nationwide re-importation of Canadian drugs that should be obvious to anyone without an agenda. Althouse: NYT confesses that Canada is no panacea for high drug prices
PoliPundit points to a great David Brooks column in the Times. The New York Times: Debate, Declaim, Debacle