Friday, September 15, 2006

I am proud to be "Blogging for Bolton", and not at all for Lincoln Chaffee. I'm inclined to agree with Hugh on Chaffee.
The Plameout continues to be a source of good fun. In today's episode, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's prosecutorial conduct is examined by one of his peers who is in a very good position to know whereof she speaks.

What a Load of Armitage! What did Patrick Fitzgerald know, and when did he know it? By Victoria Toensing in
Where is Margaret Thatcher when you need her? Iain Murray discusses White House wobbling on global warming in his post at National Review Online

Update: here's a link to a post by Rich Galen that Iain Murray refers to in The Corner at National Review Online.
Pajamas Media collects a series of posts to pay homage to a woman who stood strong in the face of tyranny throughout her life IN MEMORIAM: ORIANA FALLACI, 1930 - 2006