Thursday, October 21, 2004

Who says Kerry has settled on a position. Once a flipper, always a flopper. Now he's in favor of the Patriot Act, but says it needs to be tougher!Yahoo! News: Kerry Supports Anti-Terror Act, Shifting Stance
The mighty hunter bags a bird, or does he?DRUDGE REPORT: Pool report on Kerry's hunting trip in OH
An update on the Kyoto Treaty. Russian economic woes may lead to Kyoto ratification.
What an egomaniac. Clinton wants to become U.N. Secretary General?
Big G, the hardest working lizard in show business! MSNBC: Godzilla gets star on Walk of Fame
As Ter-RAY-sa has shown today, having money doesn't mean you have anything to say that's worth listening to. Dinesh D'Souza on George Soros on National Review Online