Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Now that John Edwards has demagogued stem cell research into a panacea that will make the crippled walk again, it's useful to understand exactly what the state of the art in stem cell research is.

The following is a brief article from the AMA that answers much of the common FAQ.

This AMA article contains a much more detailed review.

Here are two good resources on stem cell research and activities underway today here and here from the NIH.

Update: Forget all that techy stuff. Just check out Lileks' take. Money quote: "I could talk about John Edwards’ comments on stem-cell research, but really it’s very simple. Stem cells will be injected into the bloodstream, where they will act like Star Wars Midichloridans, and help the quadrapalegic to use the Force and stand erect."

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Hey, the Germans offer a glimmer of hope to Kerry after all. FT.com: Germany in rethink on Iraq force deployment