Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Das Gesundheitssystem Nicht in Ordnung!! Entweder rein oder raus!!

Betsy Newmark summarizes a story about Hillary Clinton's most "notable" qualification for the Presidency, her leadership of the failed "health care task force" during the Bill Clinton's first term. Here's the money quote: So they had a plan that they weren't quite sure would actually work but they were contemplating making personal attacks on leaders of interest groups who dared to oppose them. And Jay Rockefeller knew exactly what the relationship was between the media and the Clinton administration. The media “are anxious and willing to receive guidance (from the Clinton administration) on how to time and shape the (news) coverage.”

As the man says, read the whole thing.

The X6: Love at First Sight

Hat tip: Oliver 62 at Flickr