Monday, May 29, 2006

The Christian Science Monitor publishes an intriguinging proposal by Philip Gold calling for an independent agency to be created that would decide on the sites that could be explored for oil in the domestic U.S. and then, as in the case of the process outlined in the Base Closure and Realignment Act, allow Congress to approve all selected sites or disapprove all sites, without amendment. Consider responsible drilling on US soil
NW News publishes an editorial by Toby Nixon Brightwater stinks, and it's not the sewage you're smelling

I met Toby when I was the AppleTalk Evangelist at Apple from '87 to '90. I was pleased to find that he had preceeded me to the Northwest when I arrived at Microsoft in '94. He's still there, splitting time on his work on networking and communications with his responsibilities as the Republican representative for the 45th Legislative District, which includes my new home town. I look forward to voting for him again.

Friday, May 26, 2006

If only there were video and audio of this indecipherable blabber Nancy Pelosi Speaks - The New Editor

"The microphone is on the table" might become as famous for its strange context as "What's the frequency, Kenneth?"

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Pete du Pont offers a well reasoned argument against global warming histeria in his monthly column for the WSJ OpinionJournal - Outside the Box

I haven't heard any discussion of a point that ocurred to me after reading this article. If man is such an important cause of global warming, and if industrial activity must be curtailed in order to bring the threat down, then what has happened during periods of lower industrial activity--major recessions, war, etc.?
The Wall Street Journal prints a piece today by Peter Wehner, deputy assistant to the president and director of the White House's Office of Strategic Initiatives. It's a must read for anyone who is repeatedly drawn back into debate over the rationale for the Iraq war. OpinionJournal - Featured Article

Sunday, May 21, 2006

All sorts of grandiose tributes expressed in architecture to a truly failed system. Unrealised Moscow

H/T Digg

Friday, May 19, 2006 covers exciting developments that portend advances in stem cell research without the ethical dilemmas involved in the use of embryos: extraction of stem cells from menstrual blood and human spermatogonial cells (from testicular tissue) in the post, New Sources for Stem Cells

Speaking for myself, I favor the former.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Ann Althouse points to a fun story about the power that unionized California janitors have to prevent graduates from being further indoctrinated by Democratic party apparachniks My Way News - Dean Cancels Berkeley Graduation Speech

Sunday, May 07, 2006

If this doesn't make one skeptical of government-run "free" health care, nothing will. In a Dentist Shortage, British (Ouch) Do It Themselves - New York Times

Monday, May 01, 2006

The reviews for "United 93" keep coming in. - excerpts a few reviewers whose impressions I share. I wholeheartedly recommend the film to every adult American of any political stripe. I was profoundly affected by the experience of watching the movie, and reminded of my feelings on that day of infamy.