The second most dangerous thing in the entire world is a person under the influence of alcohol.
The most dangerous thing in the entire world is two people under the influence of alcohol.
Perhaps I exaggerate a bit. Still, it is impossible to carry on a rational conversation. No good decisions are made. Only regrets remain in the aftermath of lives damaged, if not destroyed.
As for myself, I hope to live my life free of alcohol starting now. It will be difficult in subtle ways; alcohol is a part of the social fabric of society. It is the one drug that is accepted, although its effects are well documented. Deaths due to accidents caused by drug drivers are but one statistic. How many marriages end due to the substance? How many lives--adult and child alike--are scarred?
I am pleased to see more and more restaurants voluntarily adopting a no smoking policy. That is the way it should be; government should not force the issue. If a restaurant wishes to cater to smokers, non-smokers are free to patronize other restaurants if they wish.
I'll go to restaurants that serve alcohol in the future. I'll be the one drinking water or at most, a diet soda.