David Harsany at the DenverPost.com calls for us to "Chill out over global warming"--quite rightly, according to Colorado State University's Bill Gray and Roger Pielke Sr. at the University of Colorado.
From Mr. Harsany's column, "Gray is perhaps the world's foremost hurricane expert. His Tropical Storm Forecast sets the standard. Yet, his criticism of the global warming 'hoax' makes him an outcast."
Why is the politicization of science so unashamedly tolerated by the left of its enviro-wackos? Is the temptation to embrace self-hate so appealing that it extends to the success of the industrial world and the educational establishment that it seems bent on radicalizing if not destroying? The global warming debate is far from over, and it is far too soon to prescribe solutions to a problem that is simply not well understood.