Steve McIntyre at Climate Audit has an excellent post with even more interesting commentary on the release of the National Academy of Science's report,"Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the Last 2,000 Years": NAS Panel Report
The comments in the post go on for days--more than 500 entries! After reading them, go to the home page for more recent entries on this very worthwhile site.
Steve is dead-bang right. So is the ordinary citizen who recalls that Greenland once produced abundant grapes and wine in the middle of the last millenium. So is the common man who asks, after reading the headlines that scream "Study says Earth's temp at 400-year high" thinks, "Wow, so before the industrial age really kicked in, the world was warmer than it is now. I wonder what caused that? And, what else aren't they telling us?"
One of the commenters linked to another useful site on the CO2 debate.
The NAS panel report can be found here.