Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Betsy's Page's post entitled Giving a "political" speech in wartime excerpts a column by Tony Blankley in the Washington Times that is well worth reading.

Betsy's introduction to the column:

"The Democrats have gotten all up on their high horses about Bush giving a speech on Monday, the anniversary of 9/11, in which he defended the war in Iraq and tried to rally support for that war. Horrors! Apparently, to the Democrats, talking about the war is a political speech. In their minds, it is Bush's war and thus it is a political war. And defending his efforts in the war on terrorism - that's political too. And shouldn't be said. Presidents shouldn't try to rally support when the country is at war if the other party opposes the war. The rules keep changing. Remember when they said that the President wasn't explaining to the American people why we were fighting?"