Monday, November 06, 2006

Hugh Hewitt's post reminds me that there is a corollary to the old saw, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". This year, "insults are in the ear of the listener".

Here's an excerpt that includes Hugh's response to Jonathan Chait of the LA Times:
"Everybody in professional politics, conservative or liberal," Chait wrote, understands that Kerry was trying to make a joke about Bush. And yet the GOP has succeeded in convincing the country that he was denigrating American soldiers." Which means that those who disagree with Chait must be stupid or lying. That group includes a vast number of men and women in the military, as has been pointed out repeatedly across the web. MSMers like Chait refuse to acknowledge their opinions and judgments. They don't want those opinions and judgments to be counted, just like the military's votes in Florida in 2000.